Loyalty Strategy


The Challenge

One of the largest US-based global athletic apparel and equipment manufacturers wanted to identify and capture data on its customers in an effort to increase brand loyalty and grow market share.

At the time, data was being captured inconsistently through a myriad of ways including loyalty program partnerships, product registration, online purchases, sponsored events, and at the POS. There was a lack of cohesive US or ex-US loyalty or CRM strategy as the programs were mostly seen as a way to drive revenue not necessarily to be customer-centric.


Data Analysis
Customer Profiling
Persona Development
Program Development
Stakeholder Workshop
Marketing Business Transformation


The Solution

Successful customer-centric CRM solutions require a thoughtful phased approach to drive agility and reduce risk of wholesale change.

Our diagnostic approach involved integrating and enhancing all available in-house data; building profiles for the diverse universe of customers to identify segments with the highest propensity for brand loyalty. Using the findings, we established customer profiles and personas that informed marketing messaging and specific engagement strategies.


The Result

The result was an integrated customer engagement and loyalty program built to engage prospects, direct, and in-direct customers. The supporting financial models projected the program’s impact on the participating business unit’s and regional goals.

Launched in several ex-US markets, the loyalty program continues to be very strong in Asia Pacific.


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