Go-to-Market Strategy


The Challenge

Our client, a global manufacturer and seller of enterprise productivity equipment, launched a Go-to-Market business transformation to adapt to changing sales paradigms.

Originally, they designed, built, and sold products directly to their customers using a face-to-face sales force. However, as the industry continued to change, competitors started manufacturing and selling their products directly to their customers through online channels and a contingency sales force. The stiff competition made our client’s cost of sales higher and their sales force less nimble to react to customer requests.


Data Analysis
Market Analysis
Stakeholder Workshop
Segmentation Strategy
Sales Strategy
Marketing Strategy


The Solution

We developed a multi-year phased sales and marketing strategy that aligned the overall business transformation, product releases and business objectives over a 4-year horizon. In addition to creating a new product-based segmentation strategy, we also restructured the sales force and the sales and marketing strategy for direct and virtual customer engagement tactics and processes.

Our pragmatic, phased deployment strategy tied the marketing themes, processes, tactics, data, systems, and supporting organization to the business transformation objectives. This approach facilitated deployment and measurement of the program effectiveness.


The Result

The multi-year strategy led to measurable sales-force efficiencies, and kept the competitors from further cannibalizing our client’s market.

They also continue to be recognized as one of the leading providers of enterprise office equipment with the largest market share.

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